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A brand of Bouygues Energies & Services
Kummler+Matter EVT

Company health management – much more than distributing apples

15.03.2021Equans Switzerland AG

Das Absence managementis one of its major cornerstones. Upon joining the company, all of our line managers are trained in the respectful conduct of health discussions with employees, where the task is to discover how we can assist our employees to work in an environment that promotes their best possible health, get to the reasons behind operationally-caused absences and work on what produces such absences.


Another important cornerstone is ourcompany health promotion. Our working groupB-Vitallaunches large and small projects for our employees every year. These for example include company-wide participation in sporting events, annual flu vaccinations or distributing small give-aways, such as pedometers, thermal socks in winter or suntan lotion in summer. The B-Vital programs may be regional or also national.


The latest major cornerstone of our company health management came about as a result of a survey we conducted among our employees. We asked them what they expected from company health management and the response was clear: Bouygues Energies & Services should create an offer for employees addressing stress and burnout. This was why we createdB-RELIEVED. B-RELIEVED is a team qualified forSCHEELEN Stress RELIEFand uses a tool here for (early) detection and prevention of stress and burnout. Since the beginning of 2020, employees can have a report on their stress burden drawn up and analyse and discuss this together with a member of B-RELIEVED.


As one can see, Bouygues Energies & Services sets great store on company health management, which then also resulted in the award of the “Friendly Workspace” label by the Swiss Health Promotion authority.


As part of its certification as a friendly workspace, the Swiss Health Promotion authority produced a video presenting several aspects of our company health management.