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Control technology for the latest industrial wastewater treatment plant

28.08.2015Equans Switzerland AG

The site of Frigemo in Cressier now boasts one of the latest industrial wastewater treatment plants in Switzerland. Bouygues E&S Process Automation planned and installed its centrepiece: the control and instrumentation technology.


Frigemo AG in Cressier NE processes over 50,000 tons of Swiss potatoes annually – the Fernaco subsidiary “transforms” them into chips, croquettes, rösti, and other potato specialities or flakes. The potatoes are supplied by regional farmers. Wastewater with differing kinds of soiling arises during the multi-stage processing of the natural product. This 400,000 m³ annually of organically or minerally polluted wastewater is treated in the company’s own wastewater treatment plant.


Since the outdated wastewater treatment plant of the Frigemo factory no longer met the requirements and demands related to environmental protection, safety and performance, the Fenaco Cooperative decided to replace it in 2012 with a new structure for about CHF 14 million. Bouygues E&S Process Automation provided the centrepiece for the new plant with an anaerobic preliminary stage for biogas production: the control and instrumentation technology.


The system solution from Bouygues E&S Process Automation is now in use in Cressier. It is a leading, tried-and-tested solution in the field of wastewater treatment plants. The control system monitors and regulates the whole wastewater treatment process, down to the receiving water using a programmable logic controller (PLC) and a higher level process control system (PCS). The Bouygues E&S Process Automation experts took on all of the engineering, installation and commissioning of the control and instrumentation technology in this project. The wastewater treatment plant staff also received exhaustive training for the new instrumentation system.


Bouygues E&S Process Automation’s standardised procedures and intensive in-house testing on their own test systems contributed to commissioning succeeding smoothly at short notice. The highly automated plant has been in operation since August 2015; as a result, Frigemo has one of the most up-to-date private industry wastewater plants in Switzerland. 


Fenaco News: “The new frigemo sewage plant produces fertiliser for the entire region”