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Kummler+Matter EVT

QP test run – Tessin

24.04.2022Equans Switzerland AG

In February, we performed a mock practical examination on the projection screen with all trainees in the electrical field in the Rivera branch. The theory examinations will be simulated in March and April.


The objective of the QP test run was to gauge the knowledge level of each individual as well as their individual strengths and weaknesses with regard to the qualification procedure and to see which areas would require more work for the QP. To prepare the simulation as close to examination conditions as possible, attention was paid to time and independent working.

During the QP test run, the following topics were covered:

  • Simulation of written examinations
  • Combination of switching devices
  • High- and low-voltage system
  • Control system technology
  • Measurements/fault detection
  • Communication technology


We achieved the majority of our goals and the performance was a complete success. At this point, we would like to thank all those involved and the vocational instructors for their work.